The Department for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
The Department for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
20 Prospect Avenue
Hackensack, NJ 07601
201 996 5588
201 996 3518
The Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery’s office is located in The Center for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery on the ninth floor of the Hackensack University Medical Plaza. Our tastefully appointed waiting, procedure, and discharge suites provide for the utmost in safety, comfort, and privacy.
All surgeries are performed within this facility. Pediatric procedures and those that involve over night stays take place in the medical center’s main operating rooms. Members of The Department for Plastic and Reconstructive surgeons see patients either in their private offices or at the Center for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
We offer state-of-the-art laser procedures for the following conditions:
* Age Spots
* Cafe Au Lait Spots
* Facial Blood Vessels
* Fine Lines -
o Collagen
o Laser
o Microdermabrasion
* Hair Removal
* Nevus of Ota
* Port Wine Stains
* Red Cheeks
* Redness of Neck
* Rosacea
* Spider Veins
* Tattoo Removal
* Warts
The Center for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery also offers the following self pay cosmetic dermatological procedures:
* Chemical Peels
* Collagen Injections
* Microdermabrasion
* Sclerotherapy
* Rhytec's Portrait® Skin Regeneration
The Alexandrite laser removes unwanted facial and body hair. This laser emits a wavelength of 755nm. The laser light emits a beam of light which passes through the skin to the base of the hair follicle where heat is used to destroy the follicle without hurting the overlying skin. This laser also uses a spray of coolant onto the skin prior to the laser impulse which provides decreased pain for the patient and also allows the laser light to selectively target the hair.
The best candidates for laser hair removal are lighter skinned patients with dark hair. The patient should not be tan nor have had electrolysis, plucked, or waxed the hair for about six weeks prior to the treatment. The degree of discomfort varies from patient to patient and on the site, but topical anesthesia can also be used. Immediately following the treatment the area may be red or pink and slightly swollen, which may last a few hours or days.
Multiple treatments are needed for best results, but it is difficult to give an exact number for each individual patient.
