Reflections Center for Skin and Body
Reflections Center for Skin and Body
299 East Northfield Road
Livingston, NJ 07039
Welcome to Reflections
The team of dedicated professionals at Reflections Center Medspa is here to help you navigate the exciting, yet complex, world of aesthetics. With a practice dedicated only to Cosmetic Medicine and the most comprehensive programs in New Jersey, NJ for laser hair removal, laser acne treatment, Laser Liposuction, Botox Cosmetic and Restylane, Juvederm and other dermal filler injections, as well as laser treatments for wrinkles, sun spots, acne, acne scars, rosacea, tattoo removal, skin tightening, plastic surgery and mesotherapy, our experienced physicians will satisfy all of your aesthetic needs.
Laser Hair Removal: Treatment and Information
In pursuit of smooth skin and a flawless complexion, laser hair removal is a welcome technology. There now exists a gentle, safe and effective means for the removal of unwanted hair for both women and men. A careful choice of technologies for this procedure and a facility dedicated to laser treatments will ensure a great outcome.
Laser Hair Removal works by selectively concentrating light energy in the hair follicle, leaving the surrounding skin unchanged. This comfortable procedure can be performed in as little as 15 to 30 minutes and you can return to regular activity immediately following. Laser hair removal can be performed on any area of the face or body and is faster and easier than other methods of hair removal. A series of treatments are provided at 4-8 week intervals to achieve treatment goals.
At Reflections we use several different hair removal systems, each of which are F.D.A. approved. In this way we are able to tailor a program specific to your needs, independent of your skin color. This is a unique advantage that Reflections has and is one of the reasons Reflections has so many satisfied patients. Each laser has its unique advantages and it is not uncommon for us to use several different hair removal lasers during a treatment series. For more information on this subject, see section, types of laser hair removal devices.
Laser hair removal treatment is performed throughout the day, on each and every day at Reflections. This is not an ancillary procedure grafted on to a family practice, gynecology or dermatology office as seen elsewhere. It is one of the cornerstones of our advanced cosmetic laser center. At Reflections, laser hair removal is only performed by physicians, individuals who are quite experienced with the process.
All hair removal procedures at Reflection are preceded by a complimentary consultation with the Physician, offering you the opportunity to learn more about these exciting procedures and to ask questions. See consult checklist for more details. We reserve time to be able to perform the first treatment on the day of consultation.
Sun and indoor tanning as well as the use of self tanners should be avoided before the procedure. For best effectiveness, plucking, waxing and bleaching should be avoided for 1-2 weeks before the treatment. There is no need to let hair grow long before the treatment. Shaving or clipping is fine and it should be performed one day prior or in the morning of the day of the procedure.
Reflection's Laser Hair Removal Technologies
GentleLase & Mini GentleLase Laser
Starlux IPL
Medilux IPL
SLP Laser
Isolaz PPX
Medlite C6 Laser
How does laser hair removal treatment work?
Laser and light sources produce a bright beam of light that is preferentially absorbed by melanin (the pigment in hair) and causes damage to the hair shaft and follicle without damaging the surrounding tissue. The dark terminal hair is either removed or replaced with a vellus (fine, light colored hair).
Who is a candidate for Laser Hair Removal?
Because the physicians of Reflections utilize several hair removal lasers, we are able to treat patients with all skin types, even those with the darkest skin. The determination of skin type is made using the Fitzpatrick classification chart, a copy of which is available through this link. It is helpful to bring a completed copy of the chart to be discussed at time of consultation. All areas of the body can be treated. Laser hair removal is very popular with men as well as women. Learn more about laser hair removal for men.
What are the advantages of laser hair removal compared to other methods?
Whereas shaving, tweezing, depilatories and waxing are all temporary, laser hair removal offers a permanent method to remove unwanted hair. Side effects of waxing include the potential for allergic reactions, burns, ingrown hairs and scarring. Waxing can also be quite painful. Depilatories can cause skin irritation and burns and must be performed weekly. Plucking and tweezing are impractical for large areas, can be painful and may lead to pigmentation problems and scarring, especially in patients with darker skin. For more information, see alternatives to laser hair removal.
How many laser hair removal treatments does it take?
Depending on the density of hair, hair color and hormonal factors, the number of treatments required varies from 4-8, spaced 4-6 weeks apart for the face and 6-8 weeks apart for the torso and legs. With each treatment there is a cumulative damage to the hair follicle and this results in a progressive reduction in the number and diameter of the hairs regrowing. There are also several stages of hair growth and hairs in the active growth phase are more responsive to the laser. Both of these facts explain why multiple treatment sessions are required. For more information, see hair growth cycles.
Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?
The F.DA has cleared Lasers for permanent reduction of unwanted hair and the results are excellent. Though no one can guarantee complete and permanent removal of unwanted hair, we can assure you that laser hair removal is the most advanced and effective procedure today and patients are extremely content with the results.
The ideal candidate is a patient with light skin and coarse, dark hair but due to recent developments and the latest technology we can achieve great results in patients with darker skin as well. For these patients, specialized lasers must be utilized, the most advanced of which is the GentleYag Nd:Yag laser.
Does laser hair removal hurt?
Laser hair removal is tolerated quite well. Patients describe the sensation to be similar to the snap of a warm rubber band. The two most popular hair removal devices at Reflections are the Gentlelase and GentleYag lasers. Both of these lasers use a cool, cryogen spray which precedes the laser pulse, precooling the skin and making the treatment comfortable.
Patients can elect to use topical anesthetic cream if they desire. One example is called Elamax. This is available in a 4% or 5% formulation. It is most effective when applied 30-40 minutes prior to the procedure. (See section below)
What is Ela-max and how do I apply it?
Ela-max is a brand name for a cream that contains an anesthetic called lidocaine. To apply, first clean the area with soap and warm water and gently pat dry. Then rub a thin layer of the cream into the area to be treated. Following this, apply a heavy layer of cream, as thick as icing on a cake to this same area. This is the approach to achieve maximal anesthetic properties from the elamax. The elamax should be applied in the office approximately 30-40 minutes prior to the procedure. We don’t recommend using the cream on a large surface area such as the legs or back and this should not be occluded.
What are the possible side effects?
Permanent complications are quite rare from Laser hair removal. Temporary skin darkening (hyperpigmentation) can occur, especially in those with darker skin tones and those with tanned skin, but this side effect is uncommon if specialized lasers for darker skin are utilized. Make sure the physician is using one of these lasers if you meet these criteria. Hypopigmentation (lightening of skin color) is a rare complication of laser hair removal and would be more common if tanned skin was treated with a non-specialized laser. The risk of scarring with Laser or Light Source Hair Removal is quite rare. The more experienced the physician who is performing the procedure, the safer it is. Beware of physicians who ‘dabble’ and provide laser hair removal in a gynecology or family practice office on a sporadic basis.
What areas of the body can be treated?
All areas of the body, including face, neck, underarms, bikini line, legs, back and ears can be treated. Eyebrows should not be shaped with the laser but the area in between the eyebrows can be treated. To learn more, see laser hair removal treatment areas.
How will I look and care for the treated area?
Immediately after the procedure, the treated area may appear minimally red in color. This reaction generally subsides within minutes to hours. Ice compresses can hasten the resolution of the redness, if necessary. It is not necessary to put antibacterial cream on after the procedure. Sun avoidance is advised after laser hair removal.
What can be done for patients with light blond, silver or grey hair? Does laser hair removal treat ingrown hairs?
Laser hair removal (photoepilation) is not effective for individuals with light blond, grey or silver hair. Laser Hair Removal is very effective for problematic ingrown hairs.
Does hair need to be long to perform Laser Hair Removal?
No. It is preferable for hair to be short, no more than 1-2 mm (1-2 days growth) at the time of the procedure. Hair can be clipped or shaved prior to the treatment but waxing or plucking is avoided for 1-2 weeks prior to the treatment to enhance effectiveness. It is essential that back hair be shaved one to two days prior to treatment.
Are there different types of systems used for hair removal?
There are several types of systems used for hair removal including the alexandrite, diode and ND/YAG lasers, as well as the intense pulsed light systems. Several companies make lasers and the lasers vary in terms of cooling methods, treatment spot sizes and also comfort and treatment times. Be sure to ask about specifics of the laser or light system that will be utilized for treatment. A facility should OWN several systems so they can tailor a treatment plan specific to your needs. Beware of physicians who rent lasers, for any purpose. This is a red flag that suggests a lack of commitment to the field and lack of expertise. For more information types of laser hair removal technologies, see types of laser hair removal devices.
What areas do men regularly treat?
Many men come for laser hair removal. The back and shoulders are the most common area of treatment, though they also treat the chest, abdomen, ears and neck. It is important for men to have their back shaved either the day prior to, or the morning of the treatment. The goal of therapy for some guys is to thin the hair out, rahter than to remove all the hair. The wide array of hair removal lasers at Reflections works well for a man's back as it is not uncommon for us to use several different lasers during a man's treatment program. Learn more about laser hair removal for men.
What are the medical issues that may cause excessive hair growth?
Excessive hair growth may be caused by abnormal male type hormone levels (androgens) and though other symptoms like abnormal periods and acne might be present, sometimes they are not. A detailed discussion about the evaluation for abnormal hormones and their treatment can be found in section, medical causes and treatment of excessive hair growth.
Why choose Reflections for Laser Hair Removal?
Aesthetic and laser medicine is the only focus at Reflections and at our facilities, only physicians operate the lasers. We begin the process of laser hair removal with a complimentary consultation and encourage patients to ask questions. For a list of questions to ask during a consultation, see consultation checklist. We want the experience at Reflections to be as enjoyable as the outcome of the treatment. Our warm, caring and knowledgeable staff and the luxurious environment at Reflections help support this goal. Because we have multiple, state of the art hair removal systems, we are able to tailor a quality program specific to your needs. This is in sharp contrast to the majority of facilities offering laser hair removal that rely on only one system to treat all patients.
The physicians of Reflections utilize the most advanced technology available and own all the equipment they utilize. Our approach to laser hair removal is intense, yet methodical. We have performed over 50,000 treatments to date.
Beware of facilities who offer laser hair removal as an ancillary service and not the focus of their facility. Whether this is a family practice, an urgent care center or a gynecology office, you may not only be compromising the results, but your safety as well.
