Omni Health Professionals, LLC
Omni Health Professionals, LLC
337 Market Street
Saddle Brook, NJ
Do Not Get Laser Hair Removal witout reading this report!
Even in the current economy, Laser Hair Removal is one of the hottest and most sought after cosmetic procedures. In fact, due to the recession, centers providing Laser Hair Removal have slashed prices to a fraction of what they were charging even a year ago, putting Laser Hair Removal within the reach of ordinary people.
Advertisements for low prices on Laser Hair Removal can now be found everywhere. From local newspapers to craig's list. The temptation is to look for the place offering the lowest price and then just go for it. I urge you not to do this. There are some things you MUST know. NOT ALL LASERS ARE THE SAME! Let me say that again, NOT ALL LASERS ARE THE SAME! There are many different companies making laser hair removal devices, the difference in effectiveness can be as big as the difference in cutting grass with a pair of clippers vs cutting it with a professional ride on mower. It is no exaggeration, there is a huge difference in the results depending on what kind of laser is used. Most centers will not tell you what kind of laser they are using, and you cannot use price as the measure of the quality of equipment being used. Many places with the least effective machines are often charging the most money.
The type of machine used will also determine the amount of pain you will have to endure. Many people pay up front for a series of treatments only to find out that they cannot go through with it because they are unable to endure the pain. (Good luck trying to get a refund).
Laser Hair Removal is a wonderful, life changing procedure, and now is a great time to get it, but there are some things that you just have to know before you do it. Making a visit to your local plastic surgeon or laser center without being properly informed can literally cost you thousands of dollars. For example, I recently had a client come to me, who had paid another doctor $10,000 up front to have her whole legs treated. She was unable to complete the treatment because, due to her darker skin, the pain was unbearable and she was getting burns from the laser. I was able to treat her whole body with a different machine, for a fraction of what she paid for her legs. Because this machine is virtually painless and much safer for her skin type, she was able to complete her whole series and is now hair free and ecstatic!
I spend a lot of time explaining to my clients the different options available for laser hair removal. They really appreciate learning about how the whole process works so that they can choose the right procedure. As an aid to the consultation process, I wrote a 12 page report on laser hair removal. My clients find the information in this report to be priceless. I am now making this information available to everyone in the form of an ebook. This report is very short and easy to read, but it is jam packed with valuable information including illustrations and photographs. This will save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on laser hair removal.
The cost of this report is just
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$7.00 could save you thousands. I know this is a ridiculously low price for this kind of information, but believe me when I tell you that it will be worth it. In fact, if you read it and you don't agree that this information is worth many many times more than what you paid for it, I will gladly refund your money. You keep the report, no questions asked.
BONUS: For a limited time, I will include a report on Botox® absolutely free. Read the report on Laser Hair Removal and if you find the information valuable, just send me an email and I will email you a report on everything you want to know about Botox® absolutely free.
Note to doctors: Because of the popularity of laser hair removal, many physicians are adding Laser Hair Removal to their practice. This a nice way for you to supplement your practice income, however, you need to read this report before you purchase your laser. The sales reps from each company will tell you that their laser is the best. They will even try to tell you that all lasers are the same. Don't believe them! I found out the hard way. I first bought an IPL device, and although it worked pretty well, but it just was not giving me the results I thought it should be. I started doing some intense research on the different lasers available and tried multiple devices before making a final decision on what I felt was the best laser available. There really is no direct head to head data out there comparing the different lasers, I had to test the lasers out myself on hundreds of patients to find out the magnitude of the difference in results. I found out that my new laser is so much better than the older device, that I cannot in good conscience use any other laser on my patients for hair removal. The original machine that I paid over $100,000 for sits in the corner collecting dust. Don't make the same mistake. Your investment of $7.00 and 15 minutes to read this report can literally save you from wasting $100,000!
