Omni Health Professionals, LLC
Omni Health Professionals, LLC
12 Terhune St.
Oakland, NJ 07436
A Revolution in Laser Hair Removal
A laser so painless that if you don't practically fall asleep during your first session, you get a treatment for free!
Ok, you are probably not going to really fall asleep because the treatment is so fast and you will be way too excited to snooze. However, if you don't agree that the treatment is so painless that you COULD easily sleep through the rest of your treatments, you don't have to pay a dime for your first treatment.
If you do decide you want to go through the recommended series of treatments, we will give you up to two treatments for free. We are so confident in our laser that we don't make you pay up front like most laser centers. You pay as you go, and as an incentive to complete your treatments, your 5th and 8th treatments are on us (treatments must be received no more that 8 weeks apart to qualify for the free treatments).
There are many different laser hair removal devices available from many different companies. Your experience and the results will vary dramatically with the type of laser system used. We researched and tested a lot of different systems before deciding that the best laser hair removal device, hands down, is the Soprano® by Alma lasers.
* Almost Pain Free
* Twice as Fast
* Significantly More Effective
Our patients who have previously had treatments elsewhere all agree that the treatments with the soprano is 80-90% less painful. Most people state that the sensation is like a mild heat rather than pain. This is very important when treating sensitive areas like the bikini or large areas like the back. The reason why the Soprano does not hurt is because it is the only system that uses "in-motion" technology that allows the laser energy to be delivered in small packets over time rather than all at once. Say "good-by" to "Zapping" say "hello" to smooth effective hair removal!
Another benefit of the "in-motion" technology is that it allows us to safely treat all skin types. People with dark skin who have been turned away by other clinics are coming to us and enjoying the same benefits of hair removal that lighter skinned people have enjoyed for years.
The feature that we like the most about the Soprano® is that it is a true diode laser. Unlike the popular IPL devices, the diode laser is much more effective. We have found that most people achieve the desired results in less than 6 treatments. It can take many more treatments to achieve the same results with an IPL device.
When you consider the superior results with fewer treatments, it's hard to deny that we provide the best value in laser hair removal. Call us today to schedule a free consultation.
*Our Guarantee:
If in the rare event that you receive 10 treatments to an area, and you are not completely satisfied with the amount of hair reduction, we will give you up to 4 more free treatments to the same area. The free treatments must be received as an extension of the original series. The treatments during the series must be no more than 8 weeks apart to qualify for the guarantee.
No hair removal treatment including lasers and electrolysis can treat hair that isn't there. In other words, we can't treat the hair that you body will produce in the future. Maintenance treatments will be needed to treat new hair growth over the years. This is true for ANY system. Therefore, periodic maintenance treatments will be needed to address new hair that is produced by the body. Maintenance treatments may be needed every 6 month to every few years depending on the person.
Our Maintenance Plan: After you receive 10 treatments, all maintenance treatments to the same area will be 1/2 price for life.
Laser Hair Removal
How does it work?
Using the ability of lasers to target specific color, the hair follicles are destroyed at the root (underneath the skin) with thermal heating or a quick pulse of light. The overlying skin is unaffected. Unlike waxing, the hair reduction is considered permanent. Unlike electrolysis, laser treatment is quick. Depending on the area being treated, each session can take less than 15 minutes.
Is it Safe?
Laser technology has significantly improved over the past few years. When performed by properly trained personnel with properly maintained equipment, the newer hair removal machines like the Soprano XL almost eliminates the risk of burning and pain associated with Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and older lasers. There are no known risk of long term dangers like skin cancer. Although it is impossible to predict unforeseen risks being uncovered in the future, it is reassuring to note that the wavelength of light used in laser hair removal is in the 600-1000nm range. Ultraviolet (UV) light is the spectrum of light between 10nm and 400nm. Visible light is 380-750nm. Soprano machine is 810nm (in the infra red range). The shorter ultraviolet light is what has been linked to skin cancer. So to make a long answer short, laser hair removal is probably safer than lying out in the sun, going to a tanning salon, getting an X-ray, or traveling on an airplane.
Does it hurt?
The Soprano XL is virtually painless making it possible to treat even the most sensitive areas.
Most other laser hair removal systems including IPL, waxing and electrolysis are limited by the person's tolerance for pain.
How many treatments are needed?
Most people report a noticeable reduction after the first treatment, but because only the hair in the active growth phase can be eliminated, multiple treatments are necessary to achieve desired hair reduction. Most people require 6 to 8 treatments about a month apart.
How can I prepare for the treatment?
Because the laser targets the pigment at the root of the hair follicles, we need to have an intact target. That means you cannot wax, pluck, thread or Nair® the areas for at least three weeks prior to laser treatment. Although, there is no danger in treating an area that was recently waxed, the treatment will not be as effective and would be a waste of money. You should not tan for at least a month prior to treatment. Although the Soprano® is much more forgiving, most lasers and IPL treatments are much more painful on darker skin, and the risk of burning darker skin is much higher.
You should shave the area the night before or the morning of the procedure. Unlike waxing, we do not need the hair to be present above the skin. Unshaven hair will absorb the laser energy making the treatment more painful and less effective.
What can I expect after the treatment?
The treated area may show some redness or "goose bumps" this should subside after about an hour. Sometimes a burning or itching sensation similar to a sunburn is reported. You can treat it just like a sunburn. Aloe Vera gel, or a cooling cream like Noxzema® can help. Ibuprofen can also be used to treat any symptoms. You will be more sensitive to the sun for about a week following laser treatment, so a strong sunscreen should be used when going outdoors. You should avoid getting an tan in between treatments because the energy used for your next treatment will need to be lowered if you have a tan. This can make the treatment less effective.
The hair that is under the skin will appear to continue to grow out until it is fully expelled. You can continue to shave until all the hair is out. This will take about two weeks at which time, you will notice a dramatic reduction in hair. After about a month, the next hair cycle will start to grow in. The new hair will be much finer and not as dense. At this time you will be ready for your next treatment.
Why are your prices so much less than what I was quoted elsewhere?
The prices for laser hair removal are all over the board. Treatment time with an older laser can be three or four times as long as with our laser and complication rates were high with older lasers (complications are extremely rare with our laser). Clinics using older lasers have to take these things into consideration and need to charge much higher prices. However, we are not claiming to have the lowest prices either. You may see lower prices advertised elsewhere, but you must realize that there are devices out there that just don't work. Simulated laser devices may be cheaper, but the results will be nowhere near the results you get with a true diode laser.
©2008 Omni Health Professionals, LLC
