New Jersey Center for Medical Aesthetics
New Jersey Center for Medical Aesthetics
950 West Chestnut St.
Union, NJ 07083
(908) 688-8545
Our practice is committed to maintaining the highest standards of medical treatment for our patients.
We offer personalized attention in a friendly, courteous, hassle-free office. We will earn your trust because we take the time to care. Our office places a premium on quality treatment and patient safety.
The consequences of hasty medical attention is remembered long after the sweet low cost of bargain-priced managed care is forgotten!
Dr Hyman switched careers from Civil Engineering to Medicine in 1972, graduating from the Autonomous Universidad of Guadalajara, Mexico in 1976. After a rotating internship and an obstetric and gynecology residency at Beth Israel Medical Center, Newark, NJ, Dr Hyman was in solo practice until 1995 when he became a principal in developing Women's Health Care of Union County.
He is board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology and a fellow of the American College of Surgeons. He is a member of numerous gynecological societies, an associate of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery and the American Society of Aesthetics and Mesotherapy. He is Chief of Gynecology at Union Hospital, Union, NJ. He is skilled in advanced laparoscopic surgery, incontinence procedures and has developed an office based liposuction and tummy tuck practice.
As a woman you may be surprised to learn that just about your entire body is covered with hair. It is usually not visible because most of the hair is fine and notvisible. When the hair becomes dark and coarse you may want to consider laser hair removal.
For long-term hair removal, electrolysis is popular and effective but can be painful and slow. Hair by hair, an electric current passes through a needle to destroy the hair root's ability to grow. Risks include electrical shock, infection, and pitting or scarring.
A laser produces a beam of highly concentrated light which is absorbed by the pigment located in hair follicles. The laser pulses for a fraction of a second, just long enough to vaporize the water in the hair molicules, destroying several follicles at a time to eliminate or significantly impede the hair's regrowth.
The length of a laser session may be from 20 to 90 minutes depending on the size of the area being treated. The laser can treat hair only in the active growing phase when the pigment is the darkest. As there are three phases or cyles of hair follicles, more than one treatment may be required to disable 90%-95% of the unwanted hair in the area.
Treatments are spaced out about every 4 weeks for areas above the neck and about every 8 weeks for areas below the necdk line.
Laser treatment may cause a slight tingling sensation, similar to a mild sunburn.
The appearance of the treated area immediately after a laser session will vary from patient to patient depending on the extent of the treatment and skin type. Immediate after-effects may include redness and swelling, which disappear in a short time. Some times ice packs and moisture creams will help.
