NJ Beauty Medicine
NJ Beauty Medicine
2 Executive Drive #665,
Fort Lee, NJ 07024
(201) 328-0177
Dr. Ismail, has been practicing Aesthetic Medicine out of pure passion to what she considers an art. She combined her training in one of the most respected institutes for Aesthetic Medicine (Esthetic Skin Institute) her medical knowledge and her artsitic talents to deliver the utmost care to her patients.
Dr. Ismail is listed among Top Physicians of America in the 2007 guide by the Consumers` Research Council of America.
She is a member of the American Medical Association, and The American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine.
Imagine the long term relief from waxing, bumps and shaving cuts... Money and time saved in the long run..The peace of mind.. Hair free legs by this spring and summer...
A fairly quick and easy way to reduce the amount of unwanted hair on the body. This form of hair removal utilizes lasers that emit a beam of light that passes through the skin to the hair follicle, where it is then absorbed and transformed into heat so that it can disable the follicle.
There are many different types and kinds of lasers used during Laser Hair Removal Treatments. Today, individuals with skin tones ranging from white to dark/tan are able to undergo laser hair removal treatment in order to reduce un-wanted hair with positive results.
The pain is minimal similar to waxing, or rubber band snaps. During the Laser Hair Removal Treatments, we utilize cooling devices that provide comfort and protection for the patient’s skin. Most lasers emit either a cooling gel or a cooling spray a split second before the laser pulse in order to ensure maximum protection. Although the cooling devices are in place to help protect the skin and minimize redness during Laser Hair Removal Treatments, the skin will sometimes become slightly red afterward. If any redness does occur, it usually goes away within a few hours. Most patients will not experience any redness at all.
While Laser Hair Removal Treatments are fast and effective, one individual treatment will not stop hair growth for good. Most patients will need anywhere from 3-6 treatments in order to reduce and often times completely remove any and all unwanted hair, but some might need as many as 8. Laser Hair Removal Treatments continue to be the number one laser procedure performed in the United States and Canada; therefore, patients can feel confident that their Laser Hair Removal Treatments will be a safe, fast and effective way to permanently reduce any and all unwanted hair.
