Moorestown Medical & Laser Center
Moorestown Medical & Laser Center
285 S. Church St. Ste.3
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Welcome to our Medical & Laser Center, where trained licensed medical staff are dedicated to bringing you the most effective non-surgical procedures available.
We are committed to keeping your skin and overall appearance the absolute best it can be. You will love what we can do for you!
Our Medical and Laser Center was designed to offer our patients numerous advanced medical treatments.We are equipped with the very latest in laser technology and modern clinical treatments.
We specialize in Laser Treatments that will help reduce Birthmarks,
Wrinkles, Veins, Hair, Age spots, Sun spots,Rosacea, Scars, Acne, Ingrown hairs, Pigmented lesions, and Stretch marks, skin lesions.
In conjunction with our lasers we also provide Chemical peels, Fillers, Botox, Microdermabrasion, and a Full line of Medically Developed Skincare Products.
Skin Rejuvenation
Acne Treatment
Fractional Laser
Laser Hair Removal
Facial Resurfacing
Spider Vein Treatment
and more.....just ask us!
The laser targets melanin, the pigment located in the hair follicle and shaft. The energy of the laser is absorbed by the darker cells of the follicle, heating and damaging it. This damage causes permanent destruction of many of the hair follicles. The energy passes through the lighter skin cells without harming them.
Is it painful?
We strive for a completely pain free procedure. We thoroughly cool the skin before and during the procedure, ensuring maximal comfort. Although numbing cream is rarely necessary, it is always available. Most people feel no pain, but any discomfort you do feel will be minimal - like a rubber band snap.
Is the hair removal permanent?
Yes, in most cases it is. The majority of people need 4-7 treatments for permanent hair reduction. Hair grows in cycles and the laser can only destroy active follicles. It cannot destroy the hair follicles that are lying dormant below the surface of the skin since these dormant follicles contain little pigment. Allowing the dormant follicles to go into their active stage and become susceptible to the laser, we schedule Laser Hair Removal visits 4 to 6 weeks apart.
Is there a guarantee on the results?
Laser Hair Removal is a medical procedure and, as such, cannot be guaranteed. However, if, after a complete course of Laser Hair Removal (the number of sessions you will need is estimated at the time of consultation), you need extra sessions for satisfactory hair reduction, we will be happy to treat you at half price.
How long will the procedure take?
This will vary on the treatment area and the patient. For example, the upper lip or bikini line area may require only 5 — 15 minutes, while a longer period of time will be required for your legs or back.
What areas can you treat?
Just about anywhere on your body. The most common areas include upper lip, chin,
side-burns, underarms, breasts, backs, arms, legs and bikini area.
What should I do before and after treatment?
Please shave the area to be treated the morning of the treatment. The less hair on the skin during treatment, the more comfortable the treatment. Avoid the sun 2 to 3 weeks before and after treatment until your technician allows it. You must not bleach, pluck or wax for 3 weeks prior to your treatment. It is OK to resume shaving or clipping hair in the treated area after 3-4 days. You should not have waxing, plucking or electrolysis done after laser treatment, because these procedures will temporary remove pigmented hairs from the hair roots and reduce the effectiveness of your next laser treatment. Sometimes after plucking or waxing the hair becomes thicker and darker, as one of the ways the body defends itself from chronic irritation is to produce thicker, darker hairs. Shaving is the best temporary way to remove unwanted hair before laser treatment and between laser treatments. Shaving leaves the hair shafts in the hair follicles so they can be good targets during the next laser treatment, optimizing your results.
What if I have had herpes before?
It is very important that you inform us if you have a significant history of cold sores, as this may affect the outcome of your procedure. If you have had a history of perioral herpes, prophylactic antiviral therapy may be prescribed.
What can I expect in the treatment?
The treatment process is simple and can take as little as a few minutes. We would request that you shave the area the morning of your treatment so that the surface hair does not absorb the laser energy. If you cannot shave the area, we will be happy to do it for you, but please call us to make arrangements for a shaving appointment. There will be a nominal charge, depending on the area.The technician places the hand piece over the area to be treated and pulses the laser. You will feel a tingling sensation, somewhat like a rubber band hitting your skin. The laser energy selectively targets the melanin in the hair follicle and the resulting heat disables the follicle without harming the surrounding skin.
What to expect following a Laser Treatment?
Immediately following a treatment your skin will feel like it has mild sunburn, which will subside quickly. Some clients may experience slight redness and or irritation in the treated areas. These will almost always resolve by the end of the day.
Who is a candidate for Laser Hair Removal?
Most anyone is a candidate, regardless of hair color or skin type. The easiest patients to treat with Laser Hair Removal are those that have light skin and dark hair. Patients with darker skin are also effectively treated with the Palomar Medi Lux, but we will test a small area to see how your skin reacts to the laser before the first session. If after three days your skin does not show an adverse reaction to the laser, we will proceed with the treatment. These patients typically need 7 treatments for permanent effect. Patients with light skin and hair will also be effectively treated, but they will also likely need 7 sessions for permanent effect.
Is this procedure safe for pregnant women?
Nothing in the scientific literature has shown that this technology has adverse effects on pregnancy. We would advise that you wait until after your pregnancy just in case, but we can discuss this during your consultation. There is no reason to think that Laser Hair Removal has any effect on the nursing infant, but if you have any concerns we would suggest that you wait until after you have weaned your child.
Is there a recovery time after my session?
No, you can even have your session during your lunch hour.
Will tanning have any effect on my treatment?
Yes, the darker your skin, the more the laser light attacks the skin and not the target melanin deep in the hair follicle. The more tanned you are, the less good your results will be. Also there is a greater chance of blistering of the skin -- less power will have to be used to avoid burning and you may experience sub-optimal results. It is strongly recommended that you stay out of the sun for a minimum of two weeks prior to Laser Hair Removal treatment. Additionally, prolonged sun exposure and tanning during the Laser Hair Removal treatment course will have a bad effect on the final results and can even lead to discoloration of the skin and burning. If, during the course of Laser Hair Removal you expose the area being treated to prolonged sunlight, please be sure to tell us. We will have to adjust the laser settings or you will run the risk of burning. As skin care professionals, we must point out that prolonged exposure to UV rays is harmful to your skin. We recommend that you always apply an SPF 30 before going in the sun.
Can I wear makeup?
It's best that you come in without makeup if we will be treating your face.
Why does the hair sometimes look like its growing 1-3 weeks after laser treatment?
Laser destroys hair roots, which are active at the time of treatment, but do not remove hair shafts instantly. Hair shafts in the treated hair follicles will fall out mostly in the first week after treatment, with all the treated hairs falling out within 2-3 weeks. It is normal that some hairs in the treated areas may not fall within 2-3 weeks. These will be treated in the next session. These hairs, which are being shed, will come out on their own. To avoid irritation, it is best not to shave the treated area or wash it with anything but mild soap and your bare hands (no washcloths or Body Washes) for 3-4 days after laser treatment.
