Mid-Atlantic Multi-Specialty Surgical Group, L.L.C.
Mid-Atlantic Multi-Specialty Surgical Group, L.L.C.
(Aldrich Plaza)
4013 Rt. 9 North
Howell, NJ 07731
Phone: 732-886-2252
Fax: 732-886-2260
E-mail: info@mamsurglaser.com
Vince and Vance Moss are world renowned surgeons with excellent experience with laser surgery technology and clinical practice.
MAMSURGLASER’S highly trained technicians and clinicians , under the guidance of board certified and experienced surgeons, use the most advanced state-of-the-art technology from Cutera Laser to remove unwanted hair and rejuvenate skin. We also provide the latest in technology to help deminish the cravings associated with smoking cessation.
In 2006, identical twin brothers Vincent Moss, M.D., and Vance Moss, M.D. created Mid-Atlantic Specialty Surgical Group L.L.C. ( MAMSURG )to bring convenient access to state-of-the-art thoracic and urologic surgery to the region. Now, they have formed an advance laser center for skin care and smoking cessation at affordable prices.
The brothers, Majors in the U.S. Army Reserves Medical Corps who recently returned from a tour of duty in Iraq, have opened another office in Howell Medical Pavilion, located on Route 9 North near Aldrich Road, the surgeons have made access to highly specialized surgical care more convenient than ever.
Dr. Vincent Moss, a fellowship-trained thoracic surgeon, specializes in minimally invasive pulmonary and chest surgery. He also has introduced to Kimball Medical Center a new sophisticated surgical procedure that is emerging as an effective long-term treatment option for chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a digestive condition that causes severe heartburn in nearly one-third of the American population. Dr. Moss is committed to improving treatment of tobacco-related illness and also advancing the technology of smoking cessation laser therapy and is one of the only certified physicians to offer this therapy in this region.
Dr. Vance Moss is a urologist who specializes in advanced Minimally invasive surgery to treat prostate cancer and kidney stones. And for residents of western Monmouth and Ocean counties who require kidney transplants, Dr. Moss hopes to introduce a program to offer crucial posttoperative care, close to home. As an affiliate of the Saint Barnabas Health Care System, Kimball Medical Center patients have access to the system's highly regarded Renal and Pancreas Transplant Division. The division includes programs at Saint Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston and Newark Beth Israel Medical Center and is among the most active of 240 programs in the country. He is also one of the pioneers into the formation of the Temple-Crozer Transplant Program.
The Moss brothers joined Kimball Medial Center following a unique tour of duty in Kabul, Afghanistan, where they received world recognition and a number of commendations and medals for their medical mission. In addition to their shared tours of military duty, the twin brothers have shared nearly everything in life, including prep school education at the United States Military Prep School at Fort Monmouth, t o undergraduate education at Penn State University and medical school at Temple University School of Medicine. To learn more about Mid-Atlantic Specialty Surgical Group, refer to MAMSURG.com -link
Bikini Hair Removal For Women
A very fast and easy and one of our most popular procedures at MAMSURGLASER is removal of hair from the Bikini area. Although other forms of hair removal--such as electrolysis, depilatory creams or waxing--can be used, each has its own limitations as to effectiveness and ease of use. In three to six treatments, bikini laser hair removal may accomplish a permanent reduction in the majority of pubic hair. The procedure is very rapid and well tolerated. Even the hair that remains is many times reduced in diameter, making them significantly less of a cosmetic issue while also reducing the irritation of the hair follicle. Overall, this procedure is commonly performed with high patient satisfaction.
The Bikini areas are prone to irritation caused by other methods of hair removal such as waxing , shaving, depilatories. The majority of these irritations can range from redness to raised inflammed bumps that can take days or weeks to heal.
Underarm Hair Removal For Women
Since there is usually a small area to treat armpits, removal of underarm hair is one of the fastest procedures in laser therapy, requiring only several minutes of treatment time.
Many patients come to us for safe, gentle removal of hair under their arms due to the inconvience of having to shave or wax these areas so frequently. All of these methods often cause skin irritation or promote folliculitis, or painful and unsightly ingrown hairs that can take days or weeks to heal. After laser hair removal, many patients comment on the time savings that can be achieved by not having to deal with their underarm hair on a daily or weekly basis.
Laser Hair Removal: Upper lip, Chin, Face For Women
Loss of confidence and creation of a severe self-esteem problem for some women may be a result of unsightly facial hair and it can be particularly embarrassing. Thick, coarse facial hair can lead to a Treating facial hair by shaving, waxing, electrolysis, (whether its eye brows, forehead, cheeks, upper lip, chin or nose, or the whole face) is not without many potential problems. Shaving, waxing and depilatories can be a lifetime chore that can be very time consuming and often are accompanied by side effects of skin irritations that can range from mild to severe and can last days or weeks. These skin irritations can can be mildly irritating to very painful. They can include redness, scaliness, bumps (small or large), cuts, nicks, scars, ingrown hairs and folliculitus. Waxing and shaving often create painful and unsightly ingrowns
The removal of facial hair by fast, gentle laser hair removal is much less expensive over time than these other conventional treatments. Two of the most frequent areas to be treated for women by laser hair removal therapy are the upper lip and chin. Many women who feel burdened by excessive or dark and coarse facial hair often remark of a huge return of self confidence, happiness and self-esteem after the completion of their laser hair removal treatments.
Leg Hair Removal For Women
The most popular area for hair removal and most time consuming for most women is hair removal of the legs. Legs are often prone to painful nicks and cuts when shaving. Unsightly and painful skin irritations or folliculitis can be caused by either by shaving, waxing or depilatories. Painful ingrown hairs often occur from waxing and shaving and can be of particular concern to people who are prone to getting them and can take days or weeks to heal properly. Treatment by electrolysis of such a large area can be painful and can be tremendously expensive if you add up all the years it can take to effectively treat such a large area. Waxing such a large area is often very painful. Laser hair removal can offer a gentler and faster alternative to the removal of unwanted hair.
Back and Shoulders - Men
One of the most frequent areas of concern for men that have unwanted hair is the back and shoulders. Unlike the beard and neck area that can be shaved by the individual, the back and shoulders present a particular problem. If the person chooses to use the shaving method of removal then they need someone to shave the area for them. Some people have skin that is more prone to cuts and nicks than others. In additon many people suffer folliculitus or other skin irritations from shaving. Many other individuals may be more prone to getting painful and infected ingrown hairs from shaving.
Hair on the back can be more than just an aesthetic issue. Occasionally the hair can become irritated, and itchy, and the hair follicles may become infected. The discomfort is worsened with exercise, warm weather and associated sweating.
The hair presentation can vary from very dense to sparse. Either way, laser hair removal can be extremely helpful in reducing, or eliminating, undesired hair. As with other areas of the body, the type of laser used must be chosen and applied to the patient carefully to receive the maximum potential outcome.
One laser session can cover the whole back and is relatively well tolerated by the patient. In four to six treatment sessions a permanent reduction in the majority of hair can be achieved. With continued treatments, most hair may become permanently smaller or totally eliminated. Even those patients with thicker, coarse hair may have a significant permanent thinning of the diameter of many of the hairs, in addition to achieving a reduction in hair density. Those hairs that remain may be much less of a concern to the patient. This is especially important to those patients who have recurrent irritation from their back hair. The use of the laser, and other light sources, have allowed for a real advance in the treatment of these patients.
Some men choose to treat the area by waxing rather than shaving, or by electrolysis. People that use waxing as a hair removal method suffer from the problem of ingrown hairs more frequently than even those who shave. Waxing is frequently described as a very painful method of hair removal while using electrolysis for the removal of back and shoulder hair is not practical given the large surface area that needs to be treated. Many men prefer the fast, safe and gentle treatment of these areas by the laser hair removal method
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