Laurene DiPasquale, M.D.
400 Old Hook Road
Suite 1-4
Westwood, New Jersey 07675
Phone: (201)664-8663
In most people, in as little as four to five treatments, our laser removes unwanted hair from the legs, arms, back, shoulders, even from under arms, the upper lip and the bikini area.
We are pleased to offer the most recent advance in laser treatment for anyone desiring a comfortable effective way to remove unwanted hair. The Alexandrite laser is the Gold Standard for hair removal in Fitzpatrick Skin Type I - III. The Yag is effective in Fitzpatrick Skin Type IV - VI. Our Appogee Elite has both laser settings making it possible to treat all skin types.
With a gentle beam of laser light, we can help you solve the problem of unwanted hair. Treatment is relatively quick and removes unwanted body hair without damaging the surrounding skin.
Men and women who want to rediscover the ease, beauty and confidence of hair-free skin can now have the attractive appearance they've always desired even with pigmented or tanned skin.
If you are concerned about unwanted hair, you are probably a candidate for laser hair removal.
Frequently Asked Questions for Hair Removal
How does the laser remove hair?
The laser emits a beam of light that is attracted to the pigment in the hair follicle that is in an active growing cycle-determined pulse duration and energy settings are directed at and absorbed by the hair follicles, disabling the growth of the follicles, resulting in quick, safe, and effective hair removal.
What is the advantage of using a laser?
Lasers are precise instruments that can be adjusted to the exact parameters that will specifically disable the hair follicle. The laser uses a wide beam that treats many hairs at once instead of treating hair-by-hair like electrolysis. Because of this, large areas such as your legs, arms, or back can be treated in a short period of time. You will see results that last far longer than tweezing, waxing, shaving, chemical depilation, or other temporary methods.
What does the laser treatment feel like?
The treatment does have a slight prickly or stinging sensation. Most of our clients are able to tolerate the treatment without difficulty. However, since every person’s level of sensitivity is different and treatment areas may vary, a topical numbing cream is available.
What happens to the skin after laser treatment?
Reddening of the skin is the desired reaction. The redness usually subsides within a few minutes to a few hours and returns to normal. Since the laser is not invasive in any way, no bandages are necessary. You are able to re-apply your make-up, return to work, and continue with your normal daily activities immediately following treatment.
How many laser treatments will I need?
It has been our experience that most of our patients are able to discontinue treatments, after an average of 5-6 treatments, providing that the recommended treatment schedule is followed. It is also important to understand that results may vary depending on the individual's hair type, their stress levels, certain medications and different hormone levels. Keep in mind some individuals will require fewer treatments and some will require more treatments depending on the results desired.
Is laser hair removal permanent?
The FDA has cleared laser hair removal, regardless of the laser, for “Permanent Hair Reduction†only. Based on our experience, we believe that the hair treated will probably not re-grow. Each individual’s treatment response may be different because of their hair or skin type and given that there are between 500 and 1000 follicles per square cm., of which many are dormant at the time of treatment, we have no way of knowing if and when they may start growing due to stress levels, certain medications and different hormone levels.
What to expect after laser treatment:
After your initial treatment, you should enjoy a significant reduction of hair. However, it will take 2-4 weeks for the treated hair to push its way to the surface and fall out. With each treatment, the hair in the active growing phase will be effectively treated. A follow up appointment is scheduled 4-8 weeks after each treatment. With that in mind, remember the importance of maintaining your follow up appointments.
What if I have gray, white, red or light fine hair?
Since the laser is attracted to the pigment in the hair follicle, these hair colors may not have enough pigment to be successfully treated with the laser. If this applies to you, we may want to try a test spot to see if your hair responds to the laser.
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