Gentle Light Laser Center
Gentle Light Laser Center
1445 Richmond Ave.
Staten Island,
New York 10306
Phone: 718-541-9400
We are a Medical based facility with a Medical Director. Our staff consists of a Certified Medical Laser Specialist who has been in the field for Surgical & Cosmetic Lasers since 1990. He has had training in all types of Surgical and Cosmetic Lasers, working in various New York and New Jersey Hospitals and Doctors offices. He most recently got his Cosmetic Laser training at the Lightspeed Laser Center at Lasertroysisi in Naples, Florida, and The Rocky Mountain Laser College in Denver, Colorado his Certification as a C.L.S. (Certified Laser Specialist). He is a member of the New York Assoc. of Laser Hair Removal Specialists. The Society for Clinical and Medical Hair Removal, and a Fellow of The American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery. We also have a Licensed Skin Care Specialist. We have done extensive research and have chosen the best Lasers and equipment, for what we feel, will give your the best results, on your treatments. With our combined state of the art equipment, our extensive training and experience, and our caring for the best outcome possible on your treatments, we feel you will be very satisfied. That is our mission. We have 3 Lasers for all skin colors and types: We personalize all of our treatments.
We use a Light Sheet Diode Laser, a Laserscope Lyra YAG, and Palomar Medilux I.P.L. System.
Copyrights 2007-2008 © Gentle Light Laser Center.
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