Derma Laser Centers
Derma Laser Centers
120 Cedar Grove Lane
Ste. T13A
Somerset, NJ 08873
At Derma Laser Centers we utilizes the newest techniques in cosmetic surgery, including tumescent liposuction for body sculpting and laser surgery for facelifts and eyelid surgery, as well as other facial rejuvenation procedures. He also offers a variety of non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments including Plasma Resurfacing, Affirm Laser, Botox, and Facial Fillers. As the director of his medically supervised day spa, Dr. El-Attar and his staff offers a variety of treatments, including Power Peels, Chemical Peels, Laser Hair Removal, Laser Vein Treatment and Spa Body treatments. His staff of aestheticians and therapists can individualize a treatment regimen for you to reverse the signs of aging and the effects of exposure to the sun.
We believe well being is the result of looking after yourself. Improving your appearance is one step in this process. Maintaining it is another. These steps lead to an improvement in self esteem. We provide non surgical skin care as well as cosmetic laser surgery to assist you in achieving the best results. Utilizing the latest techniques in private state of the art facilities, our knowledgeable and friendly physicians and staff can individualize a program to meet your specific goals. By implementing one of our comprehensive programs, you can improve your inner confidence. We believe that you should start from today. Because it's your future. We will strive to over-exceed our patients' expectations.
Unwanted hair - nobody likes it, and nobody wants to have to deal with it. With traditional surgeries and techniques, hair removal has be painful, expensive, time-consuming, and worst of all, temporary.
Until now.
With laser hair removal, say goodbye to the trouble, pain, and expense of getting rid of unsightly hair. Equally as effective for men and women, it works anywhere on the body, and has been proven to be permanent, efficient, and extremely affordable. Hair is removed from within the follicle itself, leaving a slim chance for regrowth. Depending upon the area being treated, the entire procedure can be performed in 15-30 minutes - a smaller amount of time than a lunch break.
The growth of human hair is cyclic, involving phases of active growth (anagen) and resting stages (telogen). In addition, an intermediate stage of transition and controlled regression, known as catagen, occurs between active growth and cessation of growth.
DURING THE ANAGEN PHASE: Hair-producing cells multiply and proliferate, producing more cells. The cortex cells in the middle of the hair follicle squeeze together into layers, and then harden. As this hardening process continues, the cortex cells cease to function, and eventually die. They are soon replaced by new cells.
DURING THE CATAGEN PHASE: The catagen phase is a relatively short growth phase of approximately 1-3 weeks in which the hair fibers and root sheaths cease growth. This leads to telogen, a ‘resting’ phase for the hair follicle.
DURING THE TELOGEN PHASE: The follicles stop producing hair and deposit their remaining cells on the end of the hair fiber, forming the anchor of the new, healthy fiber.
Q: What areas can be treated with laser hair removal?
A: Nearly any body hair can be treated. Dr. El-Attar is currently accepting patients in need of hair removal on the following locations: face, chest, back, underarms, arms, forearms, hands, bikini area, legs, and feet.
Q: How does laser hair removal work?
A: The laser works by a principle called Selective Photothermolysis. The laser is effective on the hair follicles in the active growing phase (Anagen). The laser is pulsed for a very short duration, (usually a few milliseconds) emitting a gentle beam of light on to the skin. The light energy passes harmlessly through the skin, but is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle and hair shaft. By absorbing this laser energy, the hair follicles are disabled, impairing their ability to grow.
Q: How does laser hair removal differ from electrolysis? Is the treatment permanent?
A: The main difference between this technology and the traditional method known as electrolysis is that lasers can treat multiple hair follicles at one time. It is no longer required to identify and probe each individual hair follicle, as is done with electrolysis. Laser hair removal is a relatively new technology. The FDA has only recently provided clearance that indicates lasers can achieve a permanent reduction in hair growth based on clinical tests with patients who have hair reduction two years after treatment completion.
As far as permanency goes, most people need an average of 5-7 treatments. Hair grows in cycles, and subsequent treatments are usually necessary to treat the follicles that are lying dormant below the surface of the skin. These dormant follicles contain little pigment, and therefore are often not affected by the first treatment.
Q: What laser is used for this procedure?
A: We use the Cynosure SmartEpil II TM Long Pulse Nd: YAG laser. The FDA has approved this laser system for permanent hair reduction for all skin types. This laser has a 1064nm wavelength light that specifically targets the pigment contained in the hair follicle and shaft. To diminish patient discomfort, the Zimmer cooling device uses cooling jets of air to minimize heat exposure to the epidermis and into the surrounding tissue before, during, and after exposure.
Q: What does the treatment include?
A: Depending on the amount of hair and area treated, the procedure varies from patient to patient. Safety eyewear is always used in order to protect the patient's eyes from the laser light during the procedure. Most experience little discomfort during the treatment. The sensation and the degree of discomfort varies with each person. In some cases, topical anesthesia is an option. Dr. El-Attar will discuss this with you before your treatment begins. Patients can return to work and resume their normal daily activities immediately following treatment. The area may become slightly red for anywhere from a few minutes to an hour depending on the area(s) being treated and your individual skin sensitivity.
Q: What are the risks or possible side effects involved?
A: With the right machine and sufficient experience, you will not experience any damage to your skin. The only possible side effects are short term reactions such as a redness and follicular edema (which is like goose bumps), which may take from a few minutes to several hours to fade away. Most people can get treated during their lunch time and there will be no visible indications when they return to their office.
Q: Is it safe?
A: Absolutely. Laser hair removal has been being researched and developed for years. The laser parameters were carefully defined to inhibit regrowth by studying the anatomy of the hair follicle and matching the laser light and pulse duration to the follicle size, depth, and location to safely and effectively remove hair.
Q: What should I expect?
A: Around 3-10 days after treatment, new hairs will begin to surface. Most of these hairs were treated and are in the process of falling out. Rest assured that this is not regrowth. The underlying follicles need to purge the hairs that remained under the skin. Please refrain from waxing, plucking, or bleaching between treatments. Shaving is still acceptable and safe.
Q: Can my insurance pay for laser hair removal?
A: Insurance companies consider this to be a cosmetic procedure. We do not bill insurance companies for hair removal. As a medical expense it may be deductible from your income taxes.
Copyright © 2010 Derma Laser Centers.
