Denville Medical & Sports Rehabilitation Center
Denville Medical & Sports Rehabilitation Center
161 East Main Street (Rt. 53)
Denville, NJ 07834
Denville Medical & Sports Rehabilitation Center is a Multidisciplinary Facility located in Denville, New Jersey specializing in pain relief through the use of Physical Medicine. We offer a unique effective concept of Medical Doctors, Physical Therapists, Massage Therapists, Chiropractors, Podiatrists, and Rehabilitation Specialists working together to provide the best possible healthcare to our patients. We provide onsite diagnostic testing and thorough physical examinations which allows for accurate diagnosis and treatment recommendations. Denville Medical & Sports Rehabilitation offers a state-of-the-art Rehabilitation / Exercise Department for strengthening, conditioning, and performance enhancement, as well as a complete therapy suite for fast pain relief. Through accurate diagnosis, on site rehabilitation and therapy, we are able to return our patients back to health quickly and effective.
Imagine not having to shave, tweeze, wax, or endure the tedious process of Electrolysis again....
Now with a technological breakthrough, the EpiLight Hair Removal System, unwanted hair can be gently removed with a flash of light. Whether on the face, back, legs, bikini line or just about anywhere, the EpiLight Hair Removal System safely and effectively eliminates stubborn and annoying hairs. For millions of men and women who suffer from unwanted hair, this may sound like a dream come true.
What is EpiLight Hair Removal System?
EpiLight Hair Removal System is a non-invasive light therapy device specifically designed to eliminate undesired hair from all parts of the body.
How does EpiLight Remove Hair?
EpiLight uses pulsed light to remove hair and impair hair regrowth. First, a cool gel and a hand held treatment unit are gently applied to the skin. Then, in a flash, pulses of light safely penetrate the skin and disable hundreds of hair follicles simultaneously. When the gel is removed, much of the hair is wiped off with it. The remaining hair in the treated area falls out within a week or two.
Can All Hair Colors & Parts of the Body be Treated?
The system's unique design offers you customized treatment, according to your hair color, texture, and location on the body. EpiLight can remove all hair color from all parts of the body including the chin, upper lips, cheeks, legs, underarms, and back-as well as sensitive areas like the ears, nose, chest, and bikini line.
What is an EpiLight Treatment Like?
When EpiLight's pulse of light is delivered to the hair, you may feel a mild sting or pinch similar to the snap of a rubber band. No local anesthesia or pain medication is required.
How Many Treatments are Required?
This varies depending upon your hair color and location on the body. Several treatments may be needed, with each session usually lasting 10-30 minutes.
Are There Any Side Effects?
You may experience some short-term side effects. This may include slight reddening of the skin or local swelling which goes away within a few days. In rare instances there may be some blistering.
Are there any Restrictions on My Activity After Treatment?
You can return to work the same day and resume all regular activities. You should limit sun exposure, which is always a good idea.
Who are Candidates for Treatment?
Most people may be treated with EpiLight Hair Removal System, however, check with your doctors. This may require a consultation visit.
How does EpiLight Compare with Commonly used Hair Removal Methods?
Shaving, waxing, and depilatory creams are all temporary methods that must be repeated on a regular basis. Hair removal with EpiLight offers longer lasting results.
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