106 Grand Avenue
Englewood, NJ 07631
T: 201.567.8884
F: 201.567.5799
1. What is laser hair removal?
Laser hair removal is a method of removing unwanted hair. It utilizes laser energy targeted to the hair follicle to cause thermal damage and inhibits hair growth.
2. How does the laser work?
All laser hair removal works in basically the same way. The laser beam targets the pigment, which gives hair its color and is located in hair follicles. The laser emits its light just long enough to vaporize the pigment, thus destroying or significantly impeding the hair's ability to regrow, but not long enough to effect the surrounding skin.
3. Is the hair removal permanent?
Theoretically, damage to the hair follicle can remove unwanted hair permanently, but because of the nature of hair and the many factors that influence the growth of hair, the results are variable. The effect of repeated treatments is cumulative, with many people experiencing long term hair removal after several treatments.
4. Is it safe?
As with any medical treatment, use of the laser for hair removal can have some side effects. However, these side effects have been minor and manageable in clinical use. Extensive study and experimentation has gone into defining the laser parameters in use today to minimize the risk of scarring and most other complications following treatment.
5. Is it painful?
No treatment to remove unwanted hair is completely painless. Patients who have undergone repeated waxing or hours of electrolysis have experienced the pain caused by commonly used methods of hair removal. The laser chosen by Dr. Grodberg is fast, which reduces treatment time, and it requires a minimum of repeat treatments. Also the surface of the skin is cooled during the treatment, which helps reduce discomfort while protecting the skin surface from thermal injury during delivery of the pulse of the laser light. If large or sensitive areas with unwanted hair are to be treated, a topical anesthetic cream may be applied to the site to further reduce discomfort.
6. What will the treated area look like after the procedure?
Immediately after treatment, the sites will be somewhat swollen, appear slightly red in color, and will feel like a mild sunburn. This reaction usually subsides over a few hours, and the treated sites usually return to their normal appearance over the next several days. After the treatment, the hair may take 1-3 weeks to shed. Shaving may continue during this time. The amount of discomfort after the procedure is normally minimal and should not limit most normal physical activities.
7. What other complications have been associated with treatment?
There is the potential for hyperpigmentation (darkening) and hypopigmentation (lightening) of the treated skin but these changes are usually transient. If you have a history of Herpes Simplex (cold sores) in the area being treated, you may have a flare-up of this condition; however the risk of this complication can be greatly reduced by taking antiviral medication prior to the procedure.
8. How do I prepare for laser hair removal?
The most important thing is not to get tan prior to laser hair removal. The sun must be avoided for six weeks prior to the procedure and for at least four weeks after the laser treatment. You should shave the day prior (although shaving is not necessary on short hair such as the upper lip) but avoid waxing, depilatories and electrolysis for six weeks before the treatment.
9. What post laser care is necessary?
Strict sun avoidance is required for one month after the laser treatment.
The dermatologists at Contemporary & Cosmetic Dermatology, PC are available to go over these and any other questions you may have regarding laser hair removal.
© 2008 Contemporary & Cosmetic Dermatology, P.C.
