Beautiful Beginnings
Beautiful Beginnings
Cosmetic Laser Center
200 White Horse Pk Suite 102
Haddon Heights, NJ 08035
About the Owner
Dr. Melissa Sheldon is a board certified practicing family physician and the owner/operator of Beautiful Beginnings Cosmetic Laser Center. She first started treating clients with laser three years ago while practicing family medicine in Turnersville, NJ. The addition to her practice was so well accepted by her patients that she wanted to continue that positive experience by opening Beautiful Beginnings Cosmetic Laser Center. Beautiful Beginnings first opened in March 2006 and the company continues to flourish. Dr. Sheldon has seen first hand how cosmetic laser makes a positive difference in people’s lives. These procedures improve the look and feel of one’s skin as well as one’s self image. The praise and gratitude she has received from patients continues to be so rewarding.
Dr. Sheldon currently practices family medicine at Grove Family Medicine in Haddonfield NJ. Her business/cell phone has been a convenient and practical way for her to reach patients, personally schedule appointments, and answer any questions that patients may have at any time of the day. Patients find this line of communication very comforting and personable. Appointments can be made by calling 609-238-9768.
What laser procedure/s are right for me?
These procedures improve the look and feel of one’s skin as well as one’s self image. After these laser procedures, skin texture improves, pore size reduces, redness diminishes, facial vessels disappear, sundamage lightens and vibrant youthful skin reemerges. These are all done with minimal down time. Hair Reduction can be done anywhere from the top lip, chin, underarm, bikini, legs, etc. Plucking facial hair is a nuisance and can leave you with inflammation and scarring. A quick procedure can alleviate these complaints.
Laser Genesis: This is an advanced way to promote vibrant and healthy looking skin in men & women. It treats conditions that are typically associated with premature signs of aging such as excessive redness, large pores, uneven texture, acne scars, and fine lines and wrinkles. It has been scientifically proven to produce new collagen. The procedure involves heating up the upper dermis well below your skin’s surface to stimulate collagen regrowth. Most patients need 4 to 6 treatments. Individual treatment results are subtle, but the overall effect of multiple treatments is quite dramatic.
Photogenesis: It is an exceptionally effective pulsed light system that treats rosacea, brown spots, and sun damage. The visible light delivered by the photo genesis procedure is selectively absorbed by the pigmented spots and red areas on your skin. Your complexion becomes more clear, smooth, and younger looking. The number of treatments varies on the amount of damage.
Hair Reduction: Over a series of treatments unwanted hair can be reduced. Men’s backs, women’s legs, lip/chin, under arms, and bikini lines are some of the more popular areas being treated for unwanted hair. The nuisance of shaving, plucking, and waxing is significantly reduced. Most areas take five to six treatments to achieve the desired result.
Vein Reduction: Unsightly spider veins, Reticular veins (purple veins), and tiny broken blood vessels, anywhere on the face, can vanish. It improves and clears patient’s facial complexions and leg appearances. Most patients have wonderful results and have the confidence to wear shorts and skirts Most results for leg vessels occur within 6 weeks while facial vessels can be immediate. Treatments vary from one to three treatments.
