Accredited Dermatology
Accredited Dermatology
1900 Burlington-Mt. Holly Parkway
Bldg 2, Suite C
Burlington Twp., NJ 08016
Welcome to Accredited Dermatology with locations throughout the state of New Jersey!
We specialize in all aspects of medical and surgical dermatology.
- skin cancers
- acne
- eczema
- psoriasis
- check fungus
- warts
- moles & growths
- itchy skin
- hives
- hair loss
- rashes
- blistering
- cold sores
- birthmarks
- cysts
We treat patients of all ages-newborns to geriatric patients. We have an on site MOHS surgeron and MOHS lab set up in select offices. We have offices in Ocean, Monmouth, Passaic, Camden, Cumberland, Atlantic, Gloucester, and Mercer Counties to meet your needs, with evening hours in many office locations to 7-8 pm. We have a large staff of providers and caring professionals. We accept all insurances except straight Medicaid and Keystone.
We perform many cosmetic procedures in selected offices including: laser for removal of hair, tattoos, veins/broken blood vessels, and brown spots. We also do body piercing's, botox, chemical peels, and inject fillers to make the skin look younger.
© Copyright 2006 Accredited Dermatology. All rights reserved. Legal Disclosure
